Abstract:This experiment will explore whether the music of different varieties affects the growth of bacteria. Research Questions:. Does music alter the growth of bacteria?. Do different kinds of music make the bacteria grow differently?Although bacteria lack the ability to hear, they are very perceptive to changes in vibration.
Physically speaking, music is essentially various changes in vibration. This experiment might help figure out better ways to process sewage and other essential microbe-assisted duties. Materials:. 2 or more prepared Petri dishes with agar (available from biological supply companies).
Sterilized swabs. Rubber or plastic gloves. 2 or more portable CD or MP3 players. Several pairs of cheap headphones, NOT earbuds (same number as music players) You will want to throw them away after the experiment.
Several songs or albums of various music, the more diverse the better (such as classical, hard rock, and dance). Camera.
Chemistry Projects Topics
Notepad and paper. Ruler Procedure:1. Wearing gloves, prepare the Petri dishes. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, take them out of the refrigerator for about an hour before conducting the experiment.2.
Using the sterilized swabs, collect bacterial samples while wearing gloves. Good places to nab some bacteria include faucets or any other area that is touched by a lot of people. Ensure that you swab from the same area to get roughly the same amount and type of bacteria. Swipe the swab against the agar in the Petri dish and then close and seal the dish. Label each sample.3. Place the samples in a warm, out of the way place.
Physics Investigatory Project
Leave one sample alone, this is the control.4. For the other samples, place the headphones snugly around the dish.5. Connect the headphones to the music players. Play a different song or album on repeat on each player.6. Let the samples grow for a week.
Make sure to keep the music players charged and playing at all times. Take pictures of the developing bacteria every day.7. Take off the headphones and compare each sample.
Take note of the number of colonies in each sample and measure the siz e of each colony.8. Carefully dispose of the Petri dishes.9.
Analyze this data. Did the music have an effect on the siz e or amount of bacteria colonies?
Did a certain genre of music have a greater affect than others? Reference:Sewage treatment plant in Germany that uses Moz art to speed up bacteria.
Chemistry Investigatory Project Class 12.1.2013-14RAHULKUSHWAHAKV NO.2, NSB,VISAKHAPATNAMCHEMISTRYINVESTIGATORY PROJECT.KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO. 2NAUSENABAUGH, VISAKHAPATNAMDEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRYCERTIFICATEThis is to certify that RAHUL KUSHWAHA, a student of class XII-A hassuccessfully completed the research on the below mentioned project underthe guidance of Mr.
B.Sreedhar ( Subject Teacher ) during the year 2013-14in partial fulfillment of chemistry practical examination conducted byAISSCE, New Delhi.Signature of external examiner Signature of chemistry teacher.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTIn the accomplishment of this project successfully, manypeople have best owned upon me their blessings and the heartpledged support, this time I am utilizing to thank all thepeople who have been concerned with project.Primarily I would thank god for being able to complete thisproject with success. Then I would like to thank my principalMr. S.V.Babu and Chemistry teacher Mr.B.Sreedhar, whosevaluable guidance has been the ones that helped me patch thisproject and make it full proof success his suggestions and hisinstructions has served as the major contributor towards thecompletion of the project.Then I would like to thank my parents and friends who havehelped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance hasbeen helpful in various phases of the completion of the project.Last but not the least I would like to thank my classmateswho have helped me a lot.INDEX1.CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE2. AIM OF PROJECT4.
APPARATUS REQUIRED7. PROCEDURE FOLLOWED8. BIBLIOGRAPHY.AIM OF THEEXPERIMENTTo study the setting of mixture of cement withsand, time and fly ash with respect to time andstrength.INTRODUCTIONIn the most general sense of the word, CEMENT is abinder, a substance that sets and hardensindependently, and can bind other materialstogether.